HOK's London branch boasts of an exquisite design in term of architecture and interiors. You can witness immense greenery in the building with a central patch of grass, the colour green defining the various interior aspects and most importantly the greenest feature being its construction method and materials. With abundance resources that the company has, it became the first LEED Gold building in the United Kingdom. Low formaldehyde and low volatile-organic compounds were selected while choosing the finishes, furniture, and carpet. In addition to that, the design was created giving a lot of space for windows to allow natural light to be a part of the office environment. Through the central corridor you can see a long patch of grass area where the employees relax and eat in the lunch hour. There is a picnic table with a classic red-and-white checked tablecloth and Seersucker-striped deck chairs in the greenway. This office is surely in harmony with Mother Nature!