Are chandeliers suitable only for the drawing room?

  • Replied by Anand Mohan on Tuesday, May 15 2012, 05:33 AM · Hide · #1
    That’s a very common misconception. Chandeliers can be hung in any popular room of the house including bedrooms, dining room or family recreation room. It definitely gives the room a warm, cozy ambience.
  • Replied by Trilok Pandey on Monday, May 21 2012, 01:24 PM · Hide · #2
    There is trend of having chandeliers in your bedrooms presently; however I don’t prefer them in my personal space. It’s a decorative piece and should be put in rooms where you plan to entertain visitors.
  • Replied by Jassi Mittal on Monday, May 21 2012, 02:33 PM · Hide · #3
    Having a chandelier in the bedroom is a great idea. Its produces dim light and a classy touch perfect for the bedroom ambiance.
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