I want to paint my Kitchen Red! Any suggestions?

  • Replied by Rajiv Ranjan on Wednesday, May 23 2012, 11:33 AM · Hide · #1
    Red is a warm color and Kitchen already has a lot of heat. Why not choose something more calm and relaxing like a bright blue or a mild yellow!
  • Replied by Amit Trivedi on Friday, May 25 2012, 07:23 AM · Hide · #2
    Why not! Go ahead but remember that the others elements like the cabinets and countertop are of a milder hue for a great contrast.
  • Replied by Maria Nelson on Monday, June 11 2012, 06:01 AM · Hide · #3
    It’s a personal choice and I think if it makes you happy and energetic go for it. But red can look very harsh in the long run. Sleep over it and if it really appeals to you, it’s Your kitchen lady!
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