I am renovating my kid’s room and have heard of wall murals. Can anyone tell me what these are?

  • Replied by Mohammad khan on Monday, May 28 2012, 05:54 AM · Hide · #1
    Wall murals are basically wall decorating ideas. You can paint the wall with various designs and concepts like abstract, cartoons, fairytale, super heroes etc. to create your own murals. Mural kits are available in the markets.
  • Replied by Raushan Sharma on Friday, June 01 2012, 12:22 PM · Hide · #2
    These are wall designs that can be painted on the walls to make them attractive. The concepts are available online and with professionals. It’s a great idea for a kid’s room.
  • Replied by Richard Carter on Monday, June 11 2012, 08:01 AM · Hide · #3
    Creating a themed wall is wall mural by painting various characters. You get ready to stick murals too just like wall papers.
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