I am a pediatrician and have a small waiting zone for children and their parents. How do I make the place pleasant?

  • Replied by Mohammad khan on Friday, June 01 2012, 12:09 PM · Hide · #1
    I would suggest some book and activities for the children as they wait. You can have a wall mural with some puzzles to help them pass their time.
  • Replied by Mohit Chauhan on Saturday, June 02 2012, 05:05 AM · Hide · #2
    Install furniture which is colorful and playful as sick children would brighten up seeing the space rather than getting nervous about seeing a doctor.
  • Replied by Ramesh Ojha on Sunday, June 03 2012, 09:07 AM · Hide · #3
    Make it attractive by having wall paintings and charts and you can even consider a separate activity area so that you don’t disturb patients who have serious problems.
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